Olive Tree

Olive Tree, From art to mythology olive tree is always in the lead role. On a picnic mat… in the heart of birds… around a swing rope of a kid… on a painting of Bob Ross…
There is one kind of tree that seems like has solved the secret of immortality that human being has been searching for years. It is called ‘immortal tree’ in botanical and mythology world. In social life it is called olive tree.
As in every living thing olive tree’s life story begins with the sprouting of the seed. Shell of the olive seed is very hard. That’s why it can not sprout when it is left on the ground. Nature has a solution for this, too. Blackbird is the hero of this story. Blackbirds that eat olives can not digest the seeds, so they leave them back in the soil with their feces. By the help of the enzymes in the crops, the shell of the seed becomes thinner. As a result the seeds reach their froms to sprout.
It is said that there are olive trees which are 1000 – 2000 – 3000 years old. Oleuropein substance exists on its leaves is the reason of its long living. By the help of this substance, olive tree can be protected from illnesses and pests.
Would you like to know the tree that solved the secret of immortality? The olive tree is a type of tree, native to the Mediterranean region that bears fruit and its fruit can be eaten. The self-made olive that is ungrafted is called “wild olive (Olea oleaster)”. The grafting process is made for more efficiency. If all necessary conditions are done, the tree will reach to a point that gives fruits approximately at the end of 5 years.
Let’s add another title to the long living secret of the olive tree. The tree adapts to all kinds of environments, climatic conditions and takes its roots. This makes it long lasting. But if we want to have a productive tree, it is important to choose calcareous, moist and nutrient-rich soils for olive groves and water them periodically. The olive tree loves the sun and a certain amount of water.
The genetic structure of the olive tree is very strong. For this reason, pruning (rejuvenation) is very beneficial for it. If the tree is happy in its natural environment, it can grow too tall. Harvesting high branches increases labor and effort. For this reason, trees that reach 10-15 meters should be shortened to 3-4 meters. This will solve the problems.
We talked about tree, its fruit and branches. Now let’s talk about its leaves and flowers. Chlorophyll content is rich in the leaves of olive tree. Leaves decorates tree branches every season. They renew their selves in the spring. A lot of useful substances are taken from the leaf to be used in human health.
The leaf of olive tree contains oleuropein. Elonic acid is in the content of oleuropein. Its antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties have been proven under laboratory conditions. With this feature, it is known as natural antibiotic. It affects immune system same as onion and garlic.
In the treatment of covid-19, it has also been scientifically proven that olive leaf the world’s most powerful antioxidant, breaks down the virus. It is said that it can be consumed 2 times a day by brewing 1 pinch of leaves in 1 cup in the morning and evening.
However, we recommend that you should consult your doctor or pharmacist before consuming. Most olive trees are capable of self-fertilization. It can fertilize itself by its autogamy feature without an insect or wind. But there are also some olive trees that can not fertilize itself. Foreign olive trees are planted in the direction of the blowing winds to help fertilization in the olive grove. The end of spring, the olive flowers bloom under the leaves in small whitish-yellow coloured, fragrant, sparse clusters. On average out of hundred flowers, only five of them bear fruit.